Reading large numbers in place value can be difficult to teach and frustrating for your students to master. When they look at a large number, they can be overwhelmed and fumble while trying to stammer it out. Let’s take a look at a number…
Let’s face it, most kids would have a tough time reading this number. But if we break it down for them, the largest number they will ever need to read is a 3 digit number! All numbers are organized into three digit groups called periods and those periods are separated by commas. When we think about each 3 digit group as a family in a house, and the comma after the house as their last name, it makes reading large numbers fun and easy! But the really exciting part comes when you get to drive down the street on Place Value Lane, stopping at each house to read who is home, then saying their last name before going on to the next house. Let’s look at this number again…
That’s all there is to it! You can use color coding to help show the 3-digit families. Chunking the large number into easier to manage three digit, color coded parts makes a huge number seem not so impossible to read after all.
Word Form to Standard Form
I also use color coding when going from word form to standard form. The very first thing to look for is a “last name” or comma word. If there is one, draw a bright red rectangle around it. For the example above, underline the number words before the word thousand. That is the three digit number “family” in the thousands house. Next, look at the number words after the word thousand. Those show the three digit number in the ones house.
Using colored pencils or markers at first is beneficial, but students can transition to just pencil after some practice. I’ve got just what you need for practicing standard to word form and word to standard form. Sign up below for the ready to print Place Value FREEBIE!
For a fun, hands on activity, check out Reading Large Numbers on Place Value Lane. Using this product, students will create up to 12 digit numbers by taking 3-digit number cards, placing them on the houses of Place Value Lane, and driving their vehicle down the road as they read the number. It’s a engaging, kinesthetic activity that will guide your students while reading large numbers. The BONUS? Your kids will LOVE the hands on fun of moving a vehicle while working on MATH!!! You will enthrall even the most reluctant learner with this lesson! It’s a WIN-WIN activity!!
Hope you find these ideas helpful. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you make reading large numbers easier for your students